Hot Koehls

The more you know, the more you don’t know

This content is a little crusty, having been with me through 3 separate platform changes. Formatting may be rough, and I am slightly less stupid today than when I wrote it.
30 Mar 2009

Find the second (or third, or fourth) occurence in a string

PHP includes some handy functions to find the first or last occurrence of a given string token in a string: <a href="">strpos</a> and <a href="">strrpos</a>. However these functions are limited to just the first occurrence; what if I want to know the location of the second token’s position, or the third? These problems usually result in some serious coding acrobatics. Well no need for code-jitsu anymore. Based almost completely on a post I found at another blog — which is now down, how’s that for timing? — here are two functions which allow you to search for any occurrence of a specific token in a string…


 * Find position of Nth $occurrence of $needle in $haystack

 * Starts from the beginning of the string


function strpos_offset($needle, $haystack, $occurrence) {

  // explode the haystack

  $arr = explode($needle, $haystack);

  // check the needle is not out of bounds

  switch( $occurrence ) {

    case $occurrence == 0:

      return false;

    case $occurrence > max(array_keys($arr)):

      return false;


      return strlen(implode($needle, array_slice($arr, 0, $occurrence)));



 * Find position of Nth $occurrence of $needle in $haystack

 * Starts from the end of the string


function strrpos_offset($needle, $haystack, $occurrence) {

  // explode the haystack

  $arr = array_reverse(explode($needle, $haystack));

  // check the needle is not out of bounds

  switch( $occurrence ) {

    case $occurrence == 0:

      return false;

    case $occurrence > max(array_keys($arr)):

      return false;


      $inverted = strlen(implode($needle, array_slice($arr, 0, $occurrence)));

      $actual = (strlen($haystack) - 1) - $inverted;

      return $actual;


// look for second occurrence of letter 'a' from the start of string

echo strpos_offset('a', 'abracadabra', 2);

// returns 3
// look for second occurrence of letter 'a' from the end of string

echo strrpos_offset('a', 'abracadabra', 2);

// returns 7

In terms of use, we've essentially added an extra argument to `strpos` and `strrpos` that specifies which occurrence you're looking for. In other words, you can make both of these functions work like the PHP standards by setting the third `$occurrence` variable to 1.


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